Beehive Frame Feeder Large with Wooden Top Plate 6 Ltr

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Beehive Frame Feeder with Wooden Top Plate 6 Ltr

During your beekeeping experience, for a lot of time, your bees will be dependant on you for their nutrition requirements. You will have to feed the bees with water and sugar syrup. The water sugar solution provides the bees with their nutritional requirements.
A quick method of feeding your bees is by having a rapid bee feeder and fill with a sugar-water solution. You can feed your bees in a fast and hassle-free way. The best thing about the feeder is that it is easy to clean and does not create a mess.


Each Bee Feeder Consists:

1 x 6L Plastic Full Depth Feeder

1 x timber top plate (pre-drilled for ladders)

2 x enclosed ladders

2 X Supporting bands to hold timber top plate in place

      Material: Plastic and Wood

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